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亚马逊中国招聘Project Engineer Intern实习生
发信人: piple (piple), 信区: Info_Intern标 题: [实习]【亚马逊中国】招聘Project Engineer Intern实习生发信站: 小天鹅 BBS站 (Fri May 22 16:33:57 2015), 站内【亚马逊中国】招聘Project Engineer Intern实习生External Job Description Amazon China Trans team is looking for a data-focused; technically engineer to join our team. This position will help to implement mission critical operation project and analyze data to evaluate the operation results. This is a great job opportunity for young student to get exposure to booming B2C business and world class operation management. Job Qualification - Outstanding problem solving and data analysis skill - Oracle database query skill is required - Java development skill - VBA - Details minded and result oriented. - Can work under pressure. - Candidate with master degree in Computer Science is highly preferred Basic Qualifications -Outgoing, CS or related department graduate, database query skill, MS excel skill, -Java development, mature, good communication skill -Preferred Qualifications -data analysis skill; -strong analytic skills; -Software development experience本职位要求实习期至少6个月,有参与项目开发或写过项


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