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Risk Management Summer Analyst
Hong Kong
Bachelor's Degree
Risk Management


Summer Analysts learn to employ the skill fundamental to credit research, including:

  • Critical reading, writing, reasoning and communicating to assess the creditworthiness of companies in various industries.

  • Presenting their views to CRM senior professionals for approval.

  • Assisting in the detailed credit analysis of Morgan Stanley’s trading and loan counterparties, including multinational corporations, financial institutions, funds or sovereigns.

  • Assisting in monitoring, managing and reporting exposures at a counterpart, product and portfolio level.


Qualifications/ Skills/ Requirements

  • You are a high-calibre undergraduate student in your penultimate year of study, majoring in Finance, Accounting or other business-related majors.

  • You have superior written and verbal communication skills.

  • You have strong quantitative orientation.

  • You have the ability to manage dynamic priorities.

Application Deadline: 6 November, 2016.

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