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eBay2016招聘Ops FE Intern

  【eBay实习】Ops FE Intern

  Primary Responsibilities

  Web tool development around tools supported by the FrontEnd OPS team

  - Design and implement intuitive and usable front-end web UI

  - Design, compose, organize and maintain test cases/plans (ideally for bothfront-end and back-end code)

  - Develop internal tools and platform

  - Compose and maintain documentation of the tools, orienting both tools administrators and end users

  - Build system metrics collection components and based on which present/visualize the data collected Job Requirements

  - Smart and quick learning, enthusiastic about technology areas

  - Major in Computer Science, Software Engineering

  - Proficient in one of the popular programming language such as Java, Pythonor PHP

  - Solid knowledge about data structure and algorithms

  - Good collaborative mindset and communication skills

  - Front-end web technology elements like JavaScript, CSS, Bootstrap, jQuery,etc.

  Please send your CV to cmei@ebay.com if you are interested in it.

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