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发信人: jjq (Paul Frank), 信区: Info_Intern标 题: 【法企金雅拓Gemalto实习】急招HR Intern -Recruitment发信站: 小天鹅 BBS站 (Wed Aug 13 14:30:50 2014), 站内Position:HR Intern -RecruitmentJob Responsibilities: o Publish recruitment information through external and internal channels Check, record and print incoming applications o Backend search for qualified candidates on external recruiting websites o Pre-select the candidates according to the job description and recommend to HR manager o Phone screening potential candidates and present company well to candidates o Coordinate with candidates and line managers for interview arrangement and book meeting rooms o Deliver the interview result to the candidates o Collect recruitment data and prepare for weekly report o Support on harmonization activities and related paper work o Carry on other tasks assigned by the HR manager. Job Requirements: o Good written and spoken English o Good communication skills o Be diligent and initiative. o Hard-working, capability to learn fast, meticulous, sense of confidentiality o Team-work oriented o Good organization skill o Educational background: Bachelor or Master If you are interested in our position, please send your CV to ""关于金雅拓 金雅拓(泛欧交易所代码:NL 0000400653 GTO) 是全球数字安全领域的领导厂商, 2012 年营 业收入达 22 亿欧元,全球拥有 10,000 多名员工。在 43 个国家设立 了 83 个办事处以及 13 个研发中心。 金雅拓定位于快速革新的数字安全领域的核 心。全球数十亿人日益需要和期望能够以安全、 愉悦的方式随心所欲地与他人沟通、 旅行、购物、处理银行事务、娱乐及工作。金雅拓致力于满足人们对个人移动服务、支 付安全、云认证访问服务、身份与隐私保护、高效的电 子医疗保健和电子政务、便捷 票务、可靠的机器对机器(M2M)应用等方面不断增长的需求。 金雅拓开发安全的嵌 入式软件,同时设计并个人化安全产品。我们的平台和服务管理着这些 安全产品及其 中的机密数据,还有在此之上运行的可信终端服务。金雅拓锐意创新,致力于 为我们 的客户提供更多的创新方案,从而为人们带来更加便捷和安全的数字生活。 越来越多 的人正在通过金雅拓的软件及安全设备在数字和无线世界中进行互动,金雅拓亦随 之 蓬勃发展。 垂询详情,请访问:


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